Revit: Editing Labels and Tags for Lighting Fixtures

Revit: Editing Labels and Tags for Lighting Fixtures

A useful Feature for Revit Architecture Essentials is the tags and labels and how you can edit the generic label families which can be found in Revit. If you have commonly used the tags for lighting fixtures you will have noticed the generic families which can be found in the Insert tab under “Load Family” already have a label attached with them.

You can edit these labels to suit your own by loading them into the Family.

Once they have been loaded into the project you will then need to activate the tag which you have chosen and placed it on the element which you need the tag, you then need to select the tag which you have placed and click “Edit Family”.

Once edit family has been selected you will then have to go through the same process inside in the family. You will need to select the tag inside in the family and then select “Edit Label”.

Once you have selected the “Edit Label” option you will then be brought into the table where you can swap the generic label into a more suited label for your own project.

The generic label used by Revit is under the “Mark” option you can swap this to a more suitable category name such as “Type Name” or “Description”.

Once you have chosen the new label you then need to load the new family type back into the project and “Override the existing Parameters”.

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