Sovelia Vault
Automate routines and extend Autodesk Vault's functionalities
Autodesk Vault Compatibility
Works seamlessly with Autodesk Vault Professional, Vault Workgroup, and Vault Office versions, supporting compatibility with the current version as well as versions up to three versions back. This ensures continuity and ease of integration with existing Autodesk Vault environments.
Secondary File Format Support
Supports a wide range of secondary file formats including PDF, 3D PDF, Step, IGES, Sat, DXF, Bitmap, Tiff, AutoCAD DWG, and DWF/DWFx. Offers advanced file naming options to meet internal requirements. Secondary files can be stored within Vault or externally on a computer/server. Automatic generation of files on state change or manual demand, with options for visible or hidden attachments.
Watermarking for Document Control
Provides watermarking functionality for PDF and DWF files generated from Inventor Drawings. Watermarks can indicate the document's status (e.g., preliminary, not for production), enhancing document control and reducing the risk of unauthorised use. Watermark stamps are highly visible, ensuring clear communication of document status.
Property Management and Automation Tools
Offers comprehensive property management and data intelligence tools, including automatic filling and clearing of properties, custom revision table management, and triggers for actions on new documents, check-ins, and state changes. Enables targeted workflow automation based on defined criteria, allowing for efficient management of tasks and processes within Vault.
Contact us
Please submit your enquiry here and a member of our team will get in touch.
Alternatively call +353 61 919000